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PI: Christine E. Pfund, the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Using best practices in organizational design, the NRMN Coordination Center will catalyze and support synergistic interactions among the NRMN Resource Center and multiple research projects focused on the science of mentorship, professional development, and networking. Specifically, the NRMN Coordination Center will create the infrastructure to support substantial coordination, collection, storage, tracking, and reporting of all NRMN data as well as implement responsive communication strategies that will effectively and efficiently build communities of inclusive practice, foster research innovations, and disseminate key findings.
These activities will promote collaboration among the NRMN investigators, the DPC’s Coordination and Evaluation Center (CEC), and the wider national community of researchers and practitioners working to diversify the biomedical research workforce. Collectively, these stakeholders belong to four communities of inclusive practice (CoIPs) that the NRMN Coordination Center will support and serve (see figure).
Communities of practice are "groups of people informally bound together by shared experience and passion for a joint enterprise" (Wegner, 2000), while communities of inclusive practice add an emphasis on the quality of the interaction that includes trust, kindness, and respect for the dignity of the community members. Importantly, the NRMN Coordination Center will be flexible and responsive to the needs and feedback of stakeholders, including the NIH and the public, while providing clear structure and processes for cultivating creativity, and sustainability.
Citation: Wenger E C, Snyder W M. Communities of Practice: The Organizational Frontier. Harv Bus Rev. 2000.