CSULB Celebrates Class of 2021

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On Friday, May 7, 2021, California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) BUILD held its commencement ceremony to honor the students who have completed their term with the program. Though the ceremony was held virtually, it still provided a space for family, friends, and the BUILD team to celebrate the outstanding accomplishments of the second year Scholar and Fellow students.

Having dealt with a year that saw the rise of the global COVID-19 pandemic, worldwide protests led by organizations such as Black Lives Matter  to denounce police brutality and racial inequalities , and national conversations on mental health, these students were up against new challenges that no one imagined when developing the BUILD program. However, with support from administrators, faculty, and staff, these students were provided spaces to discuss their thoughts on recent events, check-in on how they were doing, and given a space to just talk. Between balancing school workloads, research, and dealing with everything happening within their communities and around the nation, it was not a ‘normal’ academic year. Still, the students pushed forward.

The commencement featured recognition of the struggles that were faced and stories of overcoming adversity. During the ceremony, the audience was treated to speeches given by the keynote speaker, Anissa Davis, MD, MPH, (City Health Officer for the Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services), Ashly Campbell (Year 2 Scholar – nominated student speaker), and Amanda Finn (Fellow – nominated student speaker). Each of the speakers provided inspiring words on resiliency during difficult times and being appreciative of those individuals that stay by your side to lift you up when times get tough.

While the CSULB BUILD team had hoped to have an in-person event, they were grateful to have shared this special time celebrating the students and their loved ones.

The team wishes nothing but the best for their students andall other members of the Class of 2021.

Be great out there!

Scholars (Year 2):


The Diversity Program Consortium Coordination and Evaluation Center at UCLA is supported by Office of the Director of the National Institutes of Health / National Institutes of General Medical Sciences under award number U54GM119024.
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