Blog: Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities in NIH Funding

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This blog post, in Scientific American, by Raynard Kington and Donna Ginther introduces their research, a new publication, and discusses the complexity of factors that influence success in scientific careers. The blog post provides an introduction and overview of their new resarch. In the blog, they argue that just as there has not been a simple, one-step intervention to reduce smoking rates in the United States, the scientific community needs "different types of approaches and multiple levels of interventions" to address bias and disparities. They write,

"Our latest analysis suggests that we should pay particular attention to ways to expand the early career networks of underrepresented scientists to help address disparities in publications, funding and careers. Mentoring programs, shown to be effective in other academic settings at reducing career disparities, are an important place to focus. We commend the NIH for investing in a range of programs—especially mentoring programs, such as the National Research Mentoring Network—that are likely to help us make progress in eliminating these career disparities." [emphasis added]

Read the blog post:

Read their new publication, "Publications as predictors of racial and ethnic differences in NIH research awards":

Published November 14, 2018 in PLOS One

The Diversity Program Consortium Coordination and Evaluation Center at UCLA is supported by Office of the Director of the National Institutes of Health / National Institutes of General Medical Sciences under award number U54GM119024.
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