DPC Website FAQs


What are the different types of publications cataloged by the Resource Center?

The Resource Center has cataloged peer reviewed publications, reports, resources and other products produced by the CEC. Please see our product definitions, grouped with other publication and brand resources, on the Publications Dashboard page.

Where do I find DPC member journal publications, CEC products like Data Briefs, Technical Reports or Limited Literature Reviews and other publications or reports listed?

All publications and products are available in our searchable interface called the Resource Center. You can search by entering keywords, selecting the Publication or CEC Products type, and/or open the search terms on the left pane to narrow by category. You will see a list of linked or downloadable results displayed. 

How do I find publications or CEC products written about Hallmarks?

Visit the Resource Center to search by entering keywords, selecting Publication and/or CEC Products, and/or opening the search terms on the left pane to narrow by category. Review the Hallmarks at the bottom of the page to identify topics of interest.

Where do I find the latest publications, links and downloadable resources related to publishing, biomedical majors and Hallmarks?

Recent publications are featured on the Publications Dashboard page. Scroll down the page to find publications resources like Academic Resources by Hallmark or Indexed Publications by Topic. Click external links to reach NIH, NRMN and other web pages designed for researchers.

Where are the two versions of the Hallmarks and information about the Arc of Success?

Both the original hallmarks and the Year 6-10 update are available on the Hallmarks page, where you will also find a description of the Arc of Success.

How do I access the PPsC Portal?

Go to the Enhance Diversity Study (EDS) Author Resources page. You can find a link to EDS Author Resources on the Data and Publications Dashboard and My DPC.

What website navigation provides researchers with resources for publication or already produced works?

The Research drop down navigation, Resource Center and My DPC all have links to pages that can provide researchers valuable information.


Where do I find resources for students, BUILD alumni, faculty, institutional leaders, COVID, virtual teaching and learning, anti-racism, researchers, mentors or wellness and self-care that were previously listed on the former website?

Visit the Resource Center and select resources at the top. Open the search terms on the left pane and select the terms related to your search topic.

Where do I go for information related to students?

Visit the Enhance Science site for updates on student related events, video posts, our social media channels aimed at students, and specific resources such as building an online science profile. This site has been updated with resources related to student conferences and research.

How do I access the PPsC Portal?

Go to the Enhance Diversity Study (EDS) Author Resources page. You can find a link to EDS Author Resources on the Data and Publications Dashboard and My DPC.


What information is available on the News & Media page?

Click the lead image or any of the smaller card images below to read our featured stories, or view the latest newsletter. We also host media resources (logos, PPT templates and CEC media releases) and an executive summary of the project.

How do I find the current DPC Newsletter?

Select DPC Newsletter from our News & Media navigation. Then click ‘View Newsletter.’ 

Where can I find past issues of the DPC Newsletters, including from the previous website?

Previous publications from the former site and other past newsletters are listed and linked from our Archive page. Additionally, go to the current newsletter and click view previous newsletters to link to the Archive page.

Where can I find media releases?

All media releases are listed on the Archive page, accessible from the ‘View All News’ button on the News & Media page. Also visit our Resource Center and search for media releases.

What is the Enhance Science project and is there a separate website?

Enhance Science is a media project that visualizes inclusive excellence in STEMM, through original video content and social media campaigns. From the navigation, choose the News & Media dropdown and click on Enhance Science, where you will see a link to the website and a Twitter feed. To read more about work related to Enhance Science, review these feature stories: Reimagining the Face of Science ; Faces of Science: Where Are They Now? ; and Become A Researcher.


Where do I find past webinars?

A list of past data focused webinars are available on the Archive page, accessible from the ‘View All News’ button on the News & Media page. A “Request Access Button” is linked to a form that you complete to receive a link to the recording on our private YouTube account.

Where can I find current events?

Events can be found in multiple ways. Click on the Event links found on the home page. Also, navigate to the Resource page, open Tags A-I and select Event.


Where is contact information for specific sites?

Please visit the Consortium Members page and view the types of awards included within the Diversity Program Consortium. Individual sites are listed with contact information along with information about their programs.

How do I ask a question?

Please submit inquiries to info@diversityprogramconsortium.org

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The Diversity Program Consortium Coordination and Evaluation Center at UCLA is supported by Office of the Director of the National Institutes of Health / National Institutes of General Medical Sciences under award number U54GM119024.

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